
On green fields painted red, I meet you.
You are enemy of my people, my ideals, and my wellbeing.
We cross paths and cross swords.
Neither yields, neither falls.
The bodies of our brothers and sisters lay still around us in numbers too great to measure.
Who they are, who they were,
Friend, or foe…
It is impossible to know.

The faces of the dead blur together,
Erasing the stark lines that once separated them.
Now they are forever joined together in slumber eternal.
Yet we fight on.

Battered and bruised,
We are unaware of the time, and our pain.
The urge to kill what lies before our eyes consumes and overwhelms.

What we fight for means nothing.
What we seek to protect means nothing.
Only to see the other dead,
This is what we fight for,
This is why we stubbornly refuse to make amends.

What began as a clash of minds,
Soon turned to shouting,
And finally all out war.

From civilized men to the savage beasts the gods abhor.
What have we become?
What have we made?

Weariness finds us.
Blades fall, but fists still fly.
Blood hides our faces,
And blinds us to one another.
Yet the hatred guides.

Glancing strikes, and strikes returned.
A scene beyond tragedy, beyond forgiveness.
But onward we struggle,
For the other’s elusive demise we so bitterly yearned.

Night falls as do we.
A heap among our comrades and adversaries alike
Too weak to breathe, yet too tired to die,
There we lie in the mound of our sins.
When the moon shines, a gasp marks final breath.
Then we too are touched by death.

All for naught, there is nothing gained.
No reward for our beaten bodies strained.
We perish, not as heroes, but as fools.
To go so far for mere pebbles in a world of mountains.
To you, my enemy, our mistake is done.

Tales of the Broken Kingdom

Beautiful in a tragic way,
Reminders of the early days.
Oppression that seems to stay.
Killing me like child’s play.
Emptied out, my soul has dried.
Never knowing peace inside.

Taken from the skies above,
Outside the arms of deepest love.
Ripped apart my heart and limbs.
Negativity overwhelms, and thrives within.

Sinister ideas blacken the canvas before me.
Atrocious whispers paint the picture in my head,
Drowning out the reasonable sounds, I closely listen.
“Neglect the conscience, never mind good principle,” they said.
“Erase reason, entertain the darkness”
“Send everything to oblivion.”
“Saturate the world with agony.”

Tyrants of the mind enslave completely.
Everlong is their reign.
All serve, all yield.
Rulers to each and every on of us,
Served loyally without question.

Fear is commonplace under the tyrant’s crown.
After begging and pleading, the iron fist only grows harder.
Lives cast aside like trash in an alley.
Lamentations do not exist here.
Everyone in this land finds their grave, and quietly do they go.
Never remembered, never known.

Dreadful, in an awesome way.
Offensive feelings that refuse to stay at bay.
Overpowering hope, and suppressing dreams.
Meaningful advances mean nothing in the end.
Every step taken is a step down the wrong path.
Dark times these are, dark times they will always be.

The Request

When broken down, build me up,
Cast it out, my not enough.
Begin anew, and clear the dust.
Is it fair, for me, to ask you thus?

When cut down, fix me up.
Thrust it out, my soul undone.
Open fresh, and give it sun.
Is it safe, in you, to place my trust?

When knocked down, pick me up.
Throw it out, my heart deprived.
Start again, and help it thrive.
Is it too much, of me, to beg you so?

When left unwell, be my cure.
Set them straight, my thoughts impure.
Incite rebirth, and see it show.
Is it reasonable, to think, I have your hand?

When simply lost, be my guide.
Direct forthright, my oafish stride.
Inspire repair, and help it hold.
Is it wise, for me, to ask this too?

When left found half-done, fill my blanks.
Complete entire, my ravaged being.
For the bond, and sustain prolonged.
Is it a burden, for you, to grant me this?

When left alone, please take my side.
Display full force your presence near.
Provide your love, and not pull back.
A lot to ask, but for me, will you see it through?


When the Sun Sets, I say Goodbye.
It Breaks, then I find Sorrow In The Eyes.
Autumn comes, and The Lone Star shines.
Repent, Repay, Reform with the Death of Memory.
The Ignorant Myself now bears the Silence of Solitude.
Wicked Union, now Unraveled|Undone, but here I remain Unfree.
I am S.O.L.U.S— alone, and I want to SCREAM.
The Facade fades with The Departed.
The Devoted was a joke, but perhaps Distance is Medicine.
Now I am Hollow, The Unweeping Willow I’ve become.
I’ve fallen into My Hell, and Listen to the Night.
Strong is me was a lie, it’s all just Broken Glass.
Inward Chaos born from Falling.
Ties are Torn, turned to Ash, Ashes, Dust.
After A Night’s Rain don’t Search For Me…no matter how much  I want you to.

Silence. Give into Dream.
My Prelude to Insanity begins as Atlas ends.
The Always Spoiled Rotten, and now on Opposite Ends and Separate Flows
without a chance to Re:Start.
Inevitable Finality then The Black, and Forgotten Echoes. Echo (Lost).
Reality sets in but the Spotlight won’t Shine on Me
Nothingness now… Fade Me Away.

It Breaks

It breaks when the sun goes down, and all I have are my thoughts.
It breaks when silence creeps forward and embraces me,
And realize I am not in the arms I want or the ones I need.
It breaks when the seasons change,
And another day goes by and all I feel is nothing.
It breaks when I call out, but there’s no reply.
It breaks, and sometimes I want to die.

It breaks when the sun goes down and I have is the dark around me.
It breaks when it’s cold and all I can do is shiver.
It breaks like bones under this crippling weight.
It breaks and my frail mind deteriorates.
It breaks and I lose myself, and I walk away and never look back.
It breaks, but I’m already gone.

It breaks when the sun goes down, and in my sorrows I drown.
It breaks when I don’t have that hand, and it feels like alone I stand.
It breaks like the bridge between the sun and moon,
I would like to cross it soon, but it’s just to far.
It breaks, and nothing is clear,
The mists roll in and the world begins to disappear.

It breaks like the chains in bitter ends,
And the red strings that tie knots of fate, but soon it rends.
It breaks like the soul with hope undone,
Meager spirits waste away and soon become none.
It breaks like glass, delicate and ever fragile, but admired not in ruined form.
It breaks like me in my darkest days, ever impaired by the thought of separate days.

It breaks beyond recognition and beyond repair.
It breaks like lungs in tainted air.
It breaks like the mind when left alone.
It breaks like when the hammer meets the stone.

It breaks like my heart when dreams become nightmares.
It breaks as bliss ends in fear and loathing.
It breaks like my heart when smiles form bitter glares,
That soon turn to longing, and eventually spiteful stares.
It breaks as joy ends in doubt and resentment.
It breaks like my heart in absent commitment.
It’s breaks as happiness ends in cold blood.
My heart, it breaks and I fade away.

Shadows of Tartarus

Great maw of ever-spewing blackness,
That which weighs heavily on my mind,
Countless barbed tendrils that ensnare mine soul–
A rose who’s thorns that held my heart Fixed ever in painful bind.
Great beast face me now!
Even now as my courage wanes,
Even now as my knees shake,
And hands tremble as the Earth under the march of Titans.
My spirit will know not rest until you are slain,
And cursed to wallow evermore in the Shadows of Tartarus.

Wicked creature who’s forceful roar would make a soft gust of world-rending storms,
That which tosses my insides like useless trinkets.
Endless rows of teeth gnawing down on my hind side –
a pit to hold even the giants of giants captive,
Trapped ever in hopeless misery.
Great beast come to me!
Even now as my sword arm falls,
Even now as my heart jumps apace,
And the salt of mine eyes floods the Earth!
Great beast look upon me!
Know mine anger!
My being rests not until you know pain!
Wicked cur, don thine leash and grovel evermore in the Shadows of Tartarus!

Rain over California

Southern land of the sun.
Fires consumes, takes over all,
These forsaken fields where rain does not fall.
Hot, dry, empty skies.
The harsh sting makes the earth cry, but without the tears.

Light beams down, treating us all like ants under the looking glass.
Gleams to scorch our skin and burn us down.
It takes our homes, and chases us out.
The ground recedes, wells drying up.

Branches break and leaves fall, then fade way.
Trees dying off.
Water flees, escaping the persecution of the sun.
Leaving the millions,
All who are firmly rooted here; They cannot run.

Rain over California, a fleeting thing,
And a somewhat of a dream.
Rain over California, reduced to a ticket now,
And the weakened lands are playing lottery.
Rain over California, it is so far gone.
Rain over California, maybe just once more before too long.

Baby Steps

Shaking, fumbling, trudging along.
Slowly and unsurely stepping forward.
One small step after the other.
Not enough to be called walking just yet,
And hardly an improvement from crawling.
Nothing special here, just baby steps.

Wobbling, rocking, stomping along.
Carefully and insecurely stepping forward.
One small step after the other.
I don’t just want to walk, I want to run.
Nothing impressive here, just baby steps.

Trembling, stumbling, pacing along.
Unconfidently and questioningly stepping forward.
I moved better when I crawled,
Now here I am wanting to forsake it all.
Nothing spectacular here, just baby steps.

Staggering, lumbering, shuffling along.
Hesitantly and reluctantly moving forward.
A half-step following the next.
Falling back to my hands and knees,
Failure is all the heart sees.
I’m sick and tired of these baby steps.

Leaps and bounds, winds ripping by.
Life blurs into oblivion in the corner of my eye.
A breakneck pace is too slow.
Rushing forward at full charge.
Remnant sensations of a memory now.
The grasp of missing, dull burn of phantom pain.
Intense longing, and unquenched yearning refuse to wane.
To break away from these baby steps;
Not to walk again, but to run.
There’s nothing great here, just baby steps.

Nothing fun here, just baby steps.
No joy, no pleasure, just baby steps.
A shadow of what walking could be,
At a pitiful pace slower than a crawl.
Sometimes I trip, sometimes I fall.
They aren’t pretty, these baby steps are,
But I’m on my way.

When the Sun Sets

When the sun sets and darkness falls.
At a time where the stars refuse to shine at night.
When only silence and shadows rule,
Be my light and bring me serenity.

When the clouds roll in and the sky howls.
At a time where the rain refuses to stop.
When only thunder and lightning rule,
Be my sight and grant me clarity.

When the earth shakes and the fires consume all.
At a time where the lands refuse to yield life.
When only calamity and pain rule,
Be my might and award me comfort.

When the it all ends and nothing remains.
At the moment where only time moves forward.
When we return to the vastness of space and emptiness rules.
Be there with me to see eternity.